The process was effective in building self-esteem, equipping them to make informed decisions and resist negative peer pressure. 288 marginalised youth were placed in viable working situations. In this context, education on HIV and AIDS was an integral part of the project, which also involved the active participation of local artisans and employers during specific training and orientation sessions. Boy Scouts and Girls Guides develop some sports program such as swimming comes under nonformal education. In view of large number of out of school children and un-served habitations, concerted efforts have been made across the county in the form of non-formal education that has been recently renamed as the Education Guarantee Scheme and Alternative & Innovative Education (EGS & AIE). This will necessitate flexibility in the design of the curriculum and the scheme of evaluation. By providing marginalised youth with new learning opportunities that nurture empowerment and socio-economic inclusion, the project contributed to breaking the cycle of marginalisation and vulnerabilities that impedes the development of out-of-schools youth. Non-formal, education should be programmed to serve the needs of the identified group. Non Formal Education (NFE) is designed as a planned and properly co-ordinated activity to provide education which is not and rigid and structured as formal mode of education. This policy of education was introduced mainly in the late 1960s and early 1970s. This report summarises a programme for marginalised youth that was implemented in one urban area (Kampala) and one rural area (Arua) of Uganda, with the ultimate goal of determining marketable livelihood skills while facilitating placement of marginalised youth in employment. The idea behind EDUCALTOUR is a daydream to make projects, where learning is a live, interactive, creative, and fun procedure that generates ideas that empower, motivate, and perhaps even change. learning and educational reform, non-formal education has become an extensively- used framework and well-documented concept within and beyond the youth sector. Non-formal education in India achieved world wide recognition.